Our Student Services Team consists of personnel who work together with students, parents, staff, and outside agencies to build individualised support programs that promote healthy, happy, and productive lives through learning.
Our onsite team consists of a Head of Special Education Services, Support Teachers and Teacher Aides, a Guidance Officer, a Chaplain, and a Guidance Officer for Student Wellbeing. Our school vision is to work together to ensure that every day in every classroom every student is learning and achieving.
A Student Services Committee operates to ensure appropriate intervention is explored and provided for all students where needed.
with Diverse Learning Needs
with diverse learning needs who require adjustments to their learning
are supported by our Student Support Team.
The curriculum is adjusted
to meet the needs of each child through the development of a
Personalised Learning Program or an Individual Curriculum Plan (ICP).
These plans focus on Curriculum, Learning, Behaviour, Health, and